Earth Consciousness
On November 30, Christ the King of the Cosmos was celebrated during the Eucharistic Liturgy. Now, during Advent we prepare once again to celebrate the coming of God, as a baby whose life was in threat from the moment of his birth even as he was embraced and protected by loving parents and celebrated by shepherds and angels.
Let us prepare for Christmas, for the celebration of Jesus birth long ago, aware that he is the Creator of the Cosmos who came to be part of Earth community. Let us cherish Earth, gift of Creator God, and we consider how we might live more tenderly without threat on this beautiful, living planet.
Some time ago, Fr. Terrence Moran created an Earth Examen of Consciousness for the Land Ethic Committee of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace. The following invitations were inspired by that Examen:
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Veronica Blake, SMR