Spinning our History on a Journey of Love...

Since 1908 to the present, significant moments have happened in the lives of the Sisters of Mary Reparatrix. This is one of those moments...

“Detroit is destined to become the center of activity for the Society of Mary Reparatrix.” These words were uttered by the Reverend John Corbett, S.J. of New York city during his Sunday sermon which was delivered at the dedication of the Sisters of Mary Reparatrix convent and retreat house for women on October 27, 1929.The new Convent was located at 17300 Quincy Avenue, Detroit, Michigan near Livernois and Six Mile. Across the street from the Convent was Gesu Parish and a block away the University of Detroit, a Jesuit institution. The new convent would serve as the novitiate for the Sisters in the United States. The Sisters of Mary Reparatrix opened their first retreat house in 1908 in New York city, but with the expansion of this new location, the mission of the Sisters, and especially the ministry of retreats, would be established in the diocese of Detroit. Bishop Gallagher, bishop of the diocese of Detroit, stated in his remarks that, because of the opening of the novitiate, women from all parts of the country would come to Detroit for their training and would then go out to the whole world to continue the vision of Mother Mary of Jesus (Emilie d’Oultremont, d’Hooghvorst).

The Sisters had courage and determination because the year, 1929, marked the end of a period known in American history as the Roaring Twenties and the Wall Street Crash of 1929 ushered in a worldwide Great Depression. From September 3, 1929 the stock market began a sharp decline and continued until Black Tuesday, October 29, when panic ensued on the floor of the New York stock exchange. Thirty billion dollars had been lost, more than twice the national debt of the USA.

Ann Kasparek,smr