Throughout the 1800’s the United States had seen successive waves of immigrants, including many Catholics. The Congregation of the Sisters of Mary Reparatrix turned its hopes toward establishing itself in New York. In 1908, the sisters began a community on the lower west side of Manhattan. The early years were ones of struggle and hardship as the sisters sought to establish their work among the varied population that was, and is, New York city.
A momentous event happened in October, 1909, when the archbishop of New York gave to the sisters St. Leo’s Catholic Church and the adjoining rectory in mid-town Manhattan. St. Leo’s became a refuge and spiritual shelter, not only to the professional women and men who passed through its doors, but also to the poor and needy of New York’s streets. People came for evenings of prayer and night adorations as well as retreats and Days of Recollection. During this time of reflection they were offered the opportunity to learn about God’s love for them and the world in which they lived and to join the sisters in prayer, especially before the Blessed Sacrament.
As needs arose, retreat centers were built in Detroit, Michigan in 1928, and in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1950. Similar to New York, the Detroit and Cincinnati Centers flourished and became oasis of prayer in the midst of busy city life. After Vatican II, the Sisters responded to calls in other parts of the USA. Texas and Kansas became sites of ministry to the people and need of these areas. Retreat work was, and still is a significant ministry of the sisters and remains a powerful means of reparation.
The sisters today carry on some of the same ministries that developed since their arrival in the United States over 100 years ago: Retreats, Spiritual Direction, and Days of Prayer, Altar Breads, Pastoral Work and Visitation of the Sick in hospital and home settings. They continue to discover new and unique ways to listen to the needs of the times, the needs of the Church and the needs of the people they serve.
In 22 countries, sisters of Mary Reparatrix work to help people realize God’s tender love for them and help them respond to that love. With Mary, the Mother of Jesus as their model, the sisters seek to bring the healing and reconciling presence of Jesus to all they meet.
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