Manifestations of Hope

“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you.”
Job 12:7-8

Long before any written word, God spoke in and through the language of Creation. I have always appreciated that the sacred season of Lent, the Holy days of the Paschal Triduum and Easter correspond with the breaking out of spring in all its magnificent glory. Jesus often taught about the Kingdom of God in earthly parables of water, seeds, gardening, lilies, sparrows, yeast, bread and wine. Today, with all the suffering, division and turmoil in this Job-like world of deep loss and grief, how can we sustain the hope and joy of the Resurrection?

I find comfort in Job’s ancient wisdom and turn to the natural life cycles of Creation. I look to the ordinary miracles of transformation that surround us in springtime. I listen with the eyes of my heart to the silent budding of the tress, the grass slowly greening, the returning robin, water bugs playing in the mud in anticipation of becoming dragon flies, tadpoles changing into frogs, caterpillars becoming illusive butterflies. All receiving nourishment from their dormant womb of darkness. All are signs of a life not ending but merely changing into something new. Their transcendent journeys teach us to maintain hope and trust God’s time not ours. They remind us the struggle to live the gospel as a faithful witness in the light of Salvation is not easy. Our God of steadfast love and mercy never fails. I hear Job telling us not to despair, “In His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all humankind.” Job 12:10.

-Dorothy Ritter