Gifts of the Spirit

Traditionally, the month of June is associated with graduations, weddings, anniversaries, and jubilees -to mention a few significant events of our lives. Whether one is at a threshold or quite seasoned in one’s commitment, I invite our readers to ponder what enables persons to make life-long choices and once the commitment is made, sustains the person therein.

As I have pondered the question, various responses have come to mind. A scripture passage that surfaced was from Ezekiel 36:26 when we read the following words. “I shall give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you. I shall put my spirit in you, so you will keep my laws and respect my observances.”

We read elsewhere in scripture that the Spirit gives different gifts to each of us. Diversity is one of the blessings and challenges we experience. We witness this diversity in life-style choices. In addition, with yet more diversity we observe some persons chose to work in trades, crafts, service positions, and others pursue studies and practice medicine, another music and the arts, another in environmental justice, another in technology – the list is endless.

I suggest, however, that underneath the diverse expressions there are qualities of compassion, love, a commitment to justice, peace, and the integrity of creation, and a desire to contribute to the common good that motivates individuals and sustains them on the journey of life.

As we live through the coming summer months, I invite our readers to ponder the diverse gifts of the Spirit that you have received, as well as those gifts that you perceive have been given to others for the good of us all. 

Margaret Hoey