God’s Gift of Water

Water: we are surrounded by it - as vapor in the air, or falling from the sky as rain, lapping the shorelines of our rivers, lakes, and oceans, and even frozen on tree branches in the winter. For those of us in the developed world, water is readily available by simply turning on the faucet. It’s even bottled and sold - for our convenience! So, with its seeming abundance and availability, what can we do in our day to day lives, to not only not take water for granted but to change our habits to fully appreciate this vital resource and to address threats to it.

As individuals and as members of larger communities, we can all do something. We know the basics: turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth; taking (shorter!) showers instead of baths; and running the dishwasher only when full. And fortunately, there are several websites with useful information and tips on how to save water throughout your home, neighborhood and city. Here is one example - NYC Dept of Environmental Protection.

Perhaps it’s helpful to consider water and its importance through a spiritual lens. While writing this Gem, I came across all kinds of interesting information and facts. This one was surprising: water is mentioned 722 times in the Bible, more often than faith, hope, prayer, and worship. From Genesis to Revelations, water “flows” throughout the Bible symbolizing rebirth, cleansing, and renewal. What a powerful reminder during this Easter season to deeply consider the importance of water in both our physical and spiritual lives.

Finally, while working on this piece, I thought of this beautiful compilation of ambient music inspired by the sounds of Michigan: Pure Sounds of Michigan - I listened to it as I worked. It provides yet another way to appreciate this precious gift.  


Connie Fitzgerald